Additions, modifications and changes to homes and landscaping in our planned community require approval prior to beginning the project. A Property Change/Alteration Form including plans, specifications, drawings and literature with pictures of materials being used, must be submitted to the Design Review Committee for approval. The Committee meets the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month to review applications. Applications are to be submitted to our office in the new Pool and Community Room 915 Yankee Trace Drive. Application forms are available at the office.
The following are the most frequent examples of changes/additions that are being done by homeowners that require approval:
- Landscaping
- Satellite Dishes/Antennas
- Decks/Porches
- Exterior Lighting
- Play Sets
- Awnings
- Fences Walls/Retaining Walls
- Basketball goals
- Exterior Painting
More detailed information can be found on pages 2 through 14 of the Design Review Guidelines*.
The following is a brief summation from the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions for the Yankee Trace Community, which apply to all homeowners. While not totally inclusive, they give the general thrust of the Restrictions and address those situations, which comprise the majority of those questions asked or complaints received by the Board. The full text of these restrictions can be found on pages 15 through 18 in the Covenants and Restrictions, Article VIII – Use Restrictions.
- No noxious or offensive trade or activity which may become an annoyance or nuisance to other owners or the neighborhood.
- Dogs, cats, and caged birds may be maintained so long as such is not done for commercial purposes. All other animals, livestock, or poultry are prohibited. Dogs or cats must be kept within the confines of the home or lot except when held on a leash. No housing of animal on the outside of a home will be allowed.
- No burning of trash or storage/accumulation of litter on any lot.
- Trash and garbage containers are not permitted outside except on collection day. If
outside, they must be completely screened by landscaping to an extent they are not visible from the street, adjoining houses or golf course. The containers shall be capped in such a manner that they are inaccessible to animals. - No automobiles belonging to an owner or resident shall be parked on the paved portion of any common driveway or street, except during bona fide temporary emergencies.
- Removal of trees or shrubbery from any common areas without written approval is prohibited.
- Other than driveways or sidewalks, structures or plantings which may damage or interfere with any easements or may retard direction or flow of drainage channels or represent a safety problem, are prohibited.
- Garages are to be used for the parking of vehicles and other customary uses and shall not be used/converted into living areas.
- No fence or wall of any kind shall be erected without approval of the Design Review Committee.
- No junk vehicles, commercial vehicles, trailers, boats, trucks of more then one ton, structures of a temporary character, recreational vehicles, tents, shacks, barns or temporary or permanent outbuildings, excepting doghouses shall be kept or used upon the lots or common areas, nor (except for bona fide emergencies) shall repair on extraordinary maintenance of autos, or other vehicles be carried out thereon.
- No signs, letters, numbers, symbols, markings or illustrations shall be erected, posted, attached or displayed upon any lot or living unit except:
- One approved temporary sign, informing the public that the real estate is for sale, lease, or rent. No sign may be illuminated.
- No outside television or radio aerial or antenna, or other aerial or antenna for
reception or transmission, or satellite dish shall be erected, placed on, maintained or allowed to remain on any lot or living unit without approval of the Design Review Committee.
The committee is also chartered to inspect homesites and compare the changes, additions and modifications with our file copies of approved applications. Should none be found, the homeowner will be required to submit the application form and if necessary, make appropriate changes if they are in violation of our design guidelines or covenants and restrictions.
Click here for the full set of Covenants: Yankee Trace Full Set CCR’s